Friday 14 September 2018


As of Wednesday 19th September 2018, we will be introducing a nominal fee of £20 for taking part in the MASCED Accreditation programme.

The reason for introducing the fee, following our 8 month free promotional period is to help Skcin maintain and deliver the training programme and associated resources nationally which has seen phenomenal success since its launch in January this year.

As a charity, we rely solely on donations to support our valuable work and due to the overwhelming uptake in this pioneering training, we need to ensure that we can continue to fulfil, promote, maintain and develop this service to the estimated 250,000 professionals working across the hair, health and beauty industries.

In addition, the MASCED programme from this date, will become an annual accreditation. This means that certification will be valid for a period of one year at which point it can then be renewed by re-taking the accreditation e-course. The reason for this is due to the need for participants to periodically refresh their knowledge and observational skills regarding the detection of suspicious lesions and reinforce key awareness education regarding the prevention of skin cancer and melanoma. The annual cost to renew the MASCED Accreditation will be just £10.

Those that have registered prior to this date will remain free, however will be notified and given the opportunity to renew their accreditation for the nominal renewal fee, should any advancements be implemented or additional CPD points be awarded.

To register to take part visit: MASCED.UK

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