Tuesday 28 May 2024



Aptly timed during skin cancer awareness month, National roofing merchant SIG Roofing has announced its support and partnership with SKCIN, a charity specialising in the prevention and early detection of skin cancer.


As we often experience many months of bad weather In the UK, we can too easily become complacent about using sun protection. Still, it’s a fact that skin cancer is the most common cancer in the UK, and the facts surrounding it are alarming. It is the UK’s fastest-rising cancer, and annually, there are over 230,000 cases of non-melanoma and 17,500 cases of melanoma (the deadliest form of skin cancer) diagnosed. It’s one of the biggest killing cancers in the 15-34 age group. Statistics also reveal that it is killing more people here than in Australia, which is known as the UV capital.


Up to 90% of skin cancers, however, are preventable by adopting simple sun-safe habits to your daily routine. Skin cancer is the only cancer we can physically see developing in its early stages, and if detected, diagnosed and treated early enough, almost all cases are curable. So learning about the risks associated with UV exposure, how to prevent skin cancer and how to spot early signs and symptoms are critical. It is this awareness and education, particularly in men and particularly in jobs exposed to regular sunlight, that made it a perfect charity partnership for SIG Roofing.


“When we saw that SKCIN was launching a sun-safe workplace accreditation programme for employers of outdoor workers, there was no hesitation that we would look to implement this for our colleagues as some of the facts exposed are shocking. Solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is responsible for a staggering 90% of all skin cancer cases, which places outdoor workers in one of the highest-risk groups for developing the disease. The predominance of males across the UK outdoor workforce is another concern as statistics reveal that the incidence of skin cancer is growing at twice the rate in men than women, and men are 69% more likely to die from the disease. SIG Roofing employs staff that work outdoors in our yards all day across our 107 branches nationwide, and they engage daily with roofers, largely males, who spend long periods of time exposed to UV. 


SIG Roofing has therefore signed up for this charity partnership to raise awareness through education at scale through our branch network. We will be encouraging our colleagues in branch to take part in the training on sun-safe practices, as well as how to recognise the early signs of skin cancer and the importance of conducting regular self-examinations. We are installing sunscreen stations that dispense SPF30+ sunscreen in all branches, free for colleagues and customers. We hope that cumulatively all these initiatives will help make a difference.” Said Chris Lodge, MD of SIG Roofing.


Kathryn Clifford, Co-Founder of SKCIN, responded:

“We are delighted that a national business like SIG Roofing is one of the first to sign up to our new ‘Sun Safe Workplaces National Accreditation Programme’ https://www.sunsafeworkplaces.co.uk/. The business engages daily with hundreds of higher-risk roofers, largely male, with whom they can share knowledge. We are looking forward to seeing the rollout of sunscreen stations across their branches and delivering the vital training to their employees over the coming weeks.”


SKCIN is a national charity specialising in the prevention and early detection of skin cancer through educational intervention. Their wealth of knowledge and expertise spans 18 years, providing a wide range of bespoke, nationally accessible solutions for key ‘high risk’ and ‘influential’ sectors. Outdoor workers are a high-risk group that SIG Roofing engages with each day, so this partnership with SKCIN will enable this messaging to reach many more people who may be affected by this awful disease. 

Wednesday 1 May 2024

SKCIN Launches Groundbreaking Sun Safe Workplaces Accreditation Programme for Employers of Outdoor Workers.


SKCIN, a charity that specialises in the prevention and early detection of skin cancer through educational intervention, has unveiled its pioneering Sun Safe Workplaces national accreditation programme. With a pressing need to address the elevated risk of skin cancer among outdoor workers, the charity urges employers to get on board and take proactive steps in addressing this moral and legal imperative.

Solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) emitted by the Sun is classified as a known human carcinogen, responsible for a staggering 90% of all skin cancer cases. This places outdoor workers in one of the highest-risk groups for developing the disease.

Skin cancer is more commonly diagnosed than all other malignancies combined. Recent statistics state that in the UK, 1 in 4 men / 1 in 5 women will develop skin cancer and due to prolonged and repeated sun exposure, outdoor workers are on average at 60% greater risk.

The predominance of males across the UK outdoor workforce is another major concern as statistics further reveal that the Incidence of skin cancer is growing at twice the rate in men than that for women, and men are 69% more likely to die from the disease.

The facts are compelling and highlight the pivotal role of employers in ensuring UV exposure is addressed as a serious occupational hazard.

Marie Tudor, CEO of SKCIN, emphasised the urgency of the issue: “ With rates of skin cancer rising faster than any other, (predicted to reach in excess of 400,000 annual cases by 2025) - these statistics provide only a snapshot of what the future holds. Urgent action is needed to combat this major public health concern and to save lives and suffering from this devastating disease”.

A moral and legal imperative for Industry leaders, employers and HSRs

The law mandates employers to provide a safe working environment, this includes taking steps to ensure workers are protected against UV exposure which includes:
• Assessing the level risk imposed by solar UV radiation
• Putting in place a robust sun protection policy, and
• The provision of information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure their safety

Beyond compliance, there is an ethical responsibility to prioritise employee well-being and ensure their long-term health.

Empowering employees through education is the linchpin of change.

With 90% of skin cancer cases preventable and almost all cases curable if detected and diagnosed early, empowering employees through education is the linchpin of change.

Comprehensive training on sun-safe practices, recognising the early signs of skin cancer, and conducting regular self-examinations, has the power to save lives.

By educating employees, organisations can foster a culture of skin health, drive much needed attitudinal and behavioural change, and play a powerful role in combating the rising incidence of skin cancer in the UK.

Skin cancer legal cases serve as a wake up call to industry

Industries should take note and be warned by skin cancer judgements in Australia where verdicts are highlighting the importance of sun safety in the workplace. Outdoor workers from various industries who have developed skin cancer as a result of over exposure to UV radiation have been awarded significant damages, establishing that skin cancer can be a serious occupational injury.

These rulings are extremely significant, putting sun protection on the agenda with other well known occupational health and safety issues. With civil claims on the grounds of skin cancer increasing in the UK, it’s time for industry leads, employers and HSRs to take action and provide evidence of their commitment.

Sun Safe Workplaces - A national, cost effective, dedicated solution

“Addressing Sun Safety in the workplace is not quick tick box exercise. A simple tool box talk and access to sunscreen, albeit a step in the right direction, simply isn’t going to cut the mustard.” says Kathryn Clifford, Co-founder of SKCIN.

“Investing in the quality education of employees is critical and the continued commitment of stakeholders vital in driving behavioural change. Having the tools and resources with which to implement a comprehensive sun protection programme, effectively manage every aspect with ease, and monitor programme effectiveness is paramount for employers and HSRs faced with the task - particularly across large organisations.”

Following two years of development, SKCIN are proud to deliver a comprehensive, cost effective, nationally accessible solution, providing registered workplaces with the following tools and resources:

• Sun Safe Workplaces Employer’s Guide:
A comprehensive guide to understanding the relationship between solar UVR and skin cancer, and confidently addressing UV exposure in the workplace.

• Solar UVR Risk Assessment and Review of Sun Protection Control Measures:
An on-line management tool used to identify the level of risk imposed based on environmental, work system & hazardous factors, and to clarify which control measures are already in place and where areas of improvement can be made to lower risk.

• Sun Protection Policy:
An on-line management tool to assist employers in tailoring a robust Sun Protection Policy to suit the needs and practicalities of their own organisation.

• Supportive Awareness Resources:
A wide range of supportive digital and printed resources with which to create on-site awareness, conduct safety briefings and reinforce key messaging among employees.

• Comprehensive Employee Training:
A comprehensive training programme that can be delivered to employees in face-to-face group sessions or undertaken remotely in an employees own time. The one hour training session is divided into a series of short educational films, multiple choice questions and interactive learning to engage, educate, empower and equip employees, covering the following essential topics:

• Understanding UV radiation and skin cancer causes and risk factors.
Understanding the UV Index and how to reduce the risk of skin cancer
How to perform thorough, full-body skin examinations
• How to detect the early signs of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer and confidently take action with concerns

Upon completion, trainees are provided with a certificate of completion, their personal skin cancer risk assessment and supportive digital resources to reinforce key messaging.

• Dedicated Administration Panel:
A simple, easy to use administration panel allows workplaces to work through the steps required to gain their accreditation, effectively host training sessions, onboard trainees for remote training, monitor trainee progress and provide evidence of completion.

• Metrics and Reporting Data:
Access to metrics and reporting data to provide an on-going, visual and statistical overview of various aspects of the training, enabling workplaces to gain valuable insights, evaluate learning outcomes and monitor programme effectiveness.

• Accredited Workplace Resources:
Workplaces that apply for their accreditation, subject to criteria being met are awarded their accreditation certificate, logo, example press release and social media assets with which to promote their achievement.

Annual Renewal Process:
An annual renewal process is in place to assist employers in their need to review, evaluate and reinforce policy, procedures and education.

Call to ACTION!

May is national Skin Cancer Awareness Month and with UV levels rising, there’s no better time for employers to get on-board. For further information, pricing structure and to register go to: SunSafeWorkplaces.co.uk

Friday 26 April 2024




National skin cancer charity, SKCIN unite influential leaders that represent the British Beauty Industry, to support the VAT Burn Campaign that calls for the removal of VAT on high SPF sunscreen and supportive education.


With the UV Index rising, sunscreen should now be an essential health item on the nation’s shopping list. Yet independent research from various organisations consistently reveals that the price of sunscreen is a clear barrier to its use - and one that is putting the nation’s health at risk. A rising a concern, exacerbated by the ongoing cost of living crisis.

 Around 90% of skin cancer cases are preventable by combining use of simple sun protection measures, which includes applying high-SPF sunscreen with correct quantity and frequency. Quality sun protection is therefore an essential health item that should be accessible and affordable for all.

 However, affordability is not the only barrier. Marie Tudor, CEO of SKCIN said: “With an estimated 19 million UK adults admitting they don’t use sun protection, there are many challenges and misconceptions to address with a need to drive attitudinal and behavioural change. Education is without doubt our greatest weapon in the fight against skin cancer and it’s vital that a dual approach to reduced taxation and education is taken seriously. This has been proven to work in Australia where the reduction of skin cancer cases is globally recognised as one of their greatest health achievements”. 

 According to SKCIN, combined melanoma and non-melanoma statistics reveal over 265,000 annual cases of skin cancer will affect around 25% of the UK population who will be diagnosed in their lifetime, resulting in over 3,500 largely preventable deaths.

 The annual cost of diagnosing and treating skin cancer is estimated to be in excess of £500 million, placing a significant financial burden on our NHS with the sheer volume of cases is presenting a huge resourcing burden for UK dermatology.

 Kathryn Clifford, Co-founder of SKCIN said: “We are amidst a skin cancer pandemic. With rates of the disease rising faster than any other cancer (estimated to reach over 400,000 cases annually by 2025) - sadly these insights provide only a snapshot of what the future holds”. 

 Key organisations representing the British beauty industry, have now pledged their support, placing rising pressure on Government:

 “The British Beauty Council supports calls for better education around sun safety and the removal of VAT for SPF30+ sunscreen. Challenging misconceptions around the necessity of sun protection and its role in preventing cancer and reducing the burden on our health service is paramount. However, making products accessible and most importantly affordable for all is absolutely key to this. Sun safety is a basic need and should be treated as such by Government, industry and the public alike.”

Victoria Brownlie, Chief Policy Officer of the British Beauty Council

 “The rapid rate at which skin cancer is growing is a concern that requires urgent attention. Given the cost of living crisis it is understandable how sunscreen may be considered a luxury item by many instead of an essential purchase. That said, the fact skin cancer is so often preventable indicates strongly why Government should be considering every option available to assist. This includes making reputable & effective sunscreens more affordable while educating the nation on their vital importance in the fight against cancer.”

Lesley Blair MBE, CEO of BABTAC & CIBTAC British Association of Beauty Therapist & Cosmetologists

 “Skin cancer is a growing public health concern and we must take all the necessary precautions to ensure that we educate people on the dangers of not using sun protection. We are very happy to be supporting the VAT Burn campaign with SKCIN, removing VAT from SPF30+ sunscreen will make it more affordable to adults in the UK who find it too expensive to purchase.”

Caroline Larissey, Chief Executive of NHBF National Hair and Beauty Federation


“Habia fully supports the VAT Burn Campaign that calls for the removal of VAT on SPF30+ sunscreen combined with nationwide education. Quality sun protection is an essential health item not a luxury and should be made more affordable for individuals and families. A dual approach with supportive education is critical in ensuring positive outcomes and SKCIN are specialists in this field.”

Joan Scott, CEO of Habia Hair & Beauty Industry Authority


To highlight the issue with Government Amy Callaghan MP, Skcin, Melanoma Focus and Melanoma Fund will be holding a parliamentary drop in event on 8th May at Westminster to raise awareness of skin cancer, highlight the Vat burn campaign to MPs and the burden of the disease and the important need for action.






Notes to Editors


The VAT Burn campaign initiated by Amy Callaghan MP, is supported by a group of charities, cross-party politicians and medical professionals.



57 per cent of UK adults said they think sun protection is expensive

31 per cent of parents said they can’t always afford to apply sun cream to the whole family

29 per cent of those surveyed stating that they would wear sun protection daily if it was more affordable.

41 per cent claim they only apply it to their face or face and neck, despite the fact any part of the body exposed to UV rays can be at risk.

36% of people surveyed said they don’t wear sun protection even when its sunny = estimate of 19m UK adults based ONS data stating there are a total 52.6m UK adults (2019)


Research of 2,000 UK adults aged over 18 conducted by Opinium 

in April 2021 on behalf of Tesco in partnership with SKCIN


Skcin cancer awareness month runs from 01 May to 31 May. Skcin have a unique, innovative, and multi-channel approach to combatting skin cancer on a national scale - delivering bespoke, sustainable solutions that are accessible to everyone all year round from online campaigns, industry sector training, free accreditations to promotional material to our free Skcin App for the Public. Please visit our web site www.skcin.org. Further press release to follow.


 For further information contact:

Marie Tudor, CEO SKCIN















Tuesday 28 November 2023




Skcin are proud to support SNP MP Amy Callaghan with her on-going VAT Burn Campaign as she warns that cases of melanoma skin cancer will continue on an “upwards trajectory” if the UK government fails to remove VAT on sunscreen products. 


Continuing her sun safety public-awareness campaign today (Tuesday, 28 November), Amy Callaghan MP – a skin cancer survivor – has written to the Prime Minister, urging him to make high-factor sunscreen more accessible. 


Ms Callaghan has said cases of melanoma have more than doubled in the last twenty-five years, with 17,000 new cases and 2,300 deaths each year. 


In the letter, organised by the MP for East Dunbartonshire, the signatories pointed to research showing 67% of people would use sunscreen more if it was 20% cheaper. 


They also rebutted claims by the UK Treasury that sunscreen is already available on prescription for people with certain medical conditions, arguing that this provision is “extremely limited” and “does not include melanoma patients”.


It is estimated that the treatment of skin cancer costs the NHS more than £500 million a year across the UK, while the cost of removing VAT from sunscreen could be as little as £60 million. 


Commenting, Amy Callaghan MP said:


“With every day the UK government refuses to act, more people are diagnosed with melanoma. 


“It is now one of the most lethal cancers for people aged between 15 and 34, and the number of cases are expected to hit almost 20,000 by 2025.


“I know first-hand how devastating it is to receive a melanoma diagnosis, and it’s even more tragic because this horrific disease is almost entirely preventable by staying safe in the sun.


“But we know from polling that most people think sunscreen is too expensive, and they would use it more if it was cheaper.


“That is why everyone who has signed this letter is calling on the UK government to remove VAT from sunscreen, and to launch a public-awareness campaign like Australia’s successful ‘Slip, Slop, Slap’. 


“With treasury ministers refusing to even entertain the idea, it’s time for the Prime Minister to step in and do the right thing, make sunscreen exempt from VAT, and ultimately save lives.”


Marie Tudor, CEO, SKCIN commented:


“SKCIN fully support Amy Callaghan’s VAT Burn campaign and as a charity that represents all skin cancers, we believe it’s important that Government also recognises the impact of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC). Over 250,000 cases of NMSC are diagnosed annually, affecting almost a quarter of the UK population in their lifetime. Collectively, skin cancer is more commonly diagnosed than all other malignancies combined and this not only accounts for a significant proportion of the estimated cost, but due to the sheer volume of cases, it places a huge resourcing burden on the NHS. 


As cases continue to rise to epidemic proportions, it is evident that urgent action is required to tackle this major public health concern and making sunscreen more affordable is a step in the right direction. However, as specialists in this field, it is vital this step is backed by educational intervention - to not only evoke behavioural change, but to improve patient outcomes through early diagnosis.”



Notes for Editors:

‘Skin cancer: the problems and facts’ - https://www.skcin.org/skinCancerInformation/theProblemAndFacts.htm

‘Concerns that cost of sunscreen is increasing skin cancer risk’ - https://melanomafocus.org/news-blog/concerns-that-cost-of-sunscreen-is-increasing-skin-cancer-risk/

‘Market value of sun preparations in Great Britain from 2010 to 2022’ - https://www.statista.com/statistics/474683/market-value-sun-care-products-great-britain-uk/#:~:text=As%20of%20December%202022%2C%20the,increase%20on%20the%20previous%20year

Amy Callaghan MP campaign can be viewed here.

Thursday 22 June 2023


SKCIN are delighted to highlight a positive initiative by New College Lanarkshire in Motherwell. The college is supporting the charity’s work through a powerful collaboration that aims to help combat the rising incidence of skin cancer in Scotland. 


The Department of Beauty, Aesthetics and Hair design, New College Lanarkshire has shown its commitment to SKCIN by funding over 100 training courses for their students and staff across three sites. Staff and students from the college have been undertaking SKCIN's MASCED (Melanoma and Skin Cancer Early Detection) training programme - developed by the charity to harness the power of hair, health and beauty industry professionals in their unique capacity to provide trusted advice and signposting. 


The bespoke programme teaches professionals working across and entering these industries how to spot the early signs of pre-cancerous skin lesions, non-melanoma skin cancer and melanoma on their client’s skin and how to confidently signpost clients with concerns - aiding in the prevention and early diagnosis of skin cancer, which is key to combatting the disease and saving lives. 


SKCIN developed the training in 2017 after becoming increasingly aware of the gap in education of the topic and identifying the immense impact that could be made by educating this vast and hugely influential sector. 


Skin Cancer is the UK’s most common and fastest rising cancer with recent figures highlighting that 1 in 4 males and 1 in 5 females will be diagnosed with skin cancer in their lifetime. Yet, 90% of cases are preventable and if detected, diagnosed early – almost all cases are treatable or curable. 


Professionals either working in or entering the hair, health and beauty industry sectors are all perfectly placed to undertake skin cancer surveillance and provide professional advice as part of their everyday engagement with clients - helping to combat these statistics head on. 


Since its official launch the MASCED training programme has received over 19,000 registrations and fully accredited over 10,000 professionals across the UK and worldwide. The training has been reviewed by professional dermatologists, is CPD accredited by Habia (Hair and Beauty Industry Authority) and is supported by many key industry bodies such as; BABTAC (British Association of Beauty Therapists and Cosmetologists); NHBF (National Hair and Beauty Federation); the BBC (British Beauty Council); FHT (Federation of Holistic Therapists) who recognise the importance of the training programme and the value it adds to the communities in which professionals operate. 


Marie Tudor, CEO of SKCIN commented: 


“We are hugely grateful to New College Lanarkshire for taking the initiative to fund this training for staff and students. Their commitment to support this life-saving training needs to be applauded and highlights not only the important role professionals working in this sector have, but how via collaboration we can make significant impact in combatting the rising incidence of skin cancer and saving lives. The early detection of skin cancer is vital to improve patient prognosis, and with so many reports of early detection as a result of this ground-breaking intervention – the training is certainly living up to it’s strap line – ‘Training Eyes to Save Lives’. 


In 2024 we aim to expand our partnership with New College Lanarkshire to deliver a number of initiatives including their staff becoming Ambassadors for the charity with the mission to engage more educational settings to follow this fantastic lead.” 



Jane Crowe, NCL Head of Department Beauty, Aesthetics and Hair Design said: 


“The MASCED accreditation course has been extremely informative for both staff and students. It's crucial to equip individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to identify potential signs of skin cancer. This training, not only enhances professional expertise but also empowers staff and student to make a difference in people's lives by promoting early detection and encourage their clients to seek medical attention. 


We look forward to expanding our partnership and working in collaboration with MASCED. As Ambassadors we will have the privilege in helping create a strong network of informed professional who can contribute to early detection, raising awareness and encouraging others to follow suit.”

Tuesday 24 May 2022

Sanofi become the UK’s first ‘Skin Cancer SOS’ Accredited Partner of specialist awareness charity Skcin

Innovative, global healthcare company Sanofi are officially the UKs first employer to become a Skin Cancer SOS Accredited Partner - with the roll out of a workplace-sponsored, disease prevention and health promotion programme, dedicated to the prevention and early detection of skin cancer.













Supporting a call to action from the UKs leading skin cancer awareness charity Skcin, for businesses and organisations to help tackle a major public health concern, Sanofi are implementing a series of initiatives developed by the charity to promote skin health and surveillance among their employee community.


Employees will be educated on the prevalence, causes and risk factors relating to skin cancer in addition to ways in which they can reduce their risk and check their skin for the early warning signs. To further support employees, Sanofi are also rolling out the first white label version of the Skcin App.


Developed by Skcin, the app provides employees with comprehensive, educational and self-management tools to empower and support them in taking charge of their skin health, helping them to reduce their risk of skin cancer and promote early detection, diagnosis and treatment.


“We’re delighted to become the UK’s first Skin Cancer SOS Accredited workplace, in partnership with Skcin. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the UK and rates continue to rise, so there’s a real need to help educate people on prevention and early detection,” said Jessamy Baird, Managing Director, Sanofi UK & Ireland. “The health and wellbeing of our employees is of paramount importance to us and we’re proud to offer the Skcin App to help them look after their skin health.”


Marie Tudor, CEO of Skcin said: We are delighted to welcome onboard Sanofi as our first UK accredited partner. Modifiable health risks that lead to disease can be significantly decreased through workplace-sponsored, health promotion and disease prevention programmes. As such, our Skin Cancer SOS Accreditation Programme aims to support and recognise the valuable contribution businesses and organisations, both large and small can make in helping to combat the soaring rates of skin cancer - locally, nationally and globally.






Skin cancer statistics in the UK.


1 in every 3 cancers diagnosed is skin cancer - it is the most common cancer in the UK and worldwide.

1 in 4 males and 1 in 5 females will be diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer.

Over 210,000 cases of non-melanoma skin cancers are diagnosed annually, with cases expected to reach 400,000 annually by 2025.

Over 16,000 cases of melanoma (the deadliest form of skin cancer) are diagnosed annually and the incidence in Britain has risen faster than any other common cancer.

1 in 36 males and 1 in 47 females will be diagnosed with melanoma (the deadliest form of skin cancer) and it is now one of the biggest killing cancers in young adults (aged 15-34).



Skcin; The Karen Clifford Skin Cancer Charity:


Skcin are the UKs leading skin cancer awareness charity, dedicated to the prevention and early detection of skin cancer through educational intervention for public benefit. Skcins mission is to combat statistics head on and save lives by preventing skin cancer for future generations, improving patient outcomes through early diagnosis and relieving the significant burden of skin cancer on the NHS.


For further information contact: marie.tudor@skcin.org

Thursday 27 January 2022

SKCIN are delighted to appoint Founder of The Safety in Beauty Campaign, Antonia Mariconda as a charity Ambassador.

 Antonia, who is a passionate activist and campaigner of raising awareness for accessing safe beauty and aesthetic procedures, is also a recovered victim of melanoma. Diagnosed in her late 20s after years of sunbed tanning abuse, she has pledged to support SKCIN by raising awareness within the beauty and aesthetics industry by encouraging professionals and practitioners to undertake SKCINs successful online skin cancer surveillance training programme MASCED (Melanoma and Skin Cancer Early Detection). The training is a pioneering, accredited course, dedicated totraining eyes to save lives.




With around 90% of all skin cancers preventable and early diagnosis paramount, Antonia says,Education is vital to combatting the ever increasing rates of skin cancer in the UK. The beauty and aesthetics industry can play a powerful role as they routinely work with skin and by having close, regular observation, they are uniquely placed to detect suspicious lesions - very often in areas clients cannot see themselves.


The MASCED training programme teaches industry professionals how to detect suspicious moles and lesions on the skin and provide trusted advice in signposting to medical professionals for further investigation. So far, the charity have trained in excess of 10,000 industry professionals, having saved many lives as a result of early detection.



Marie Tudor, CEO of SKCIN, said,We are honoured to welcome Antonia to the team as an Ambassador of SKCIN. Antonias vital, renowned and well respected work in this industry sector is perfectly aligned with our MASCED training programmes, helping us to amplify our message and extend our reach. The beauty and aesthetics industry is vast and expertise vital in helping to navigate partnerships and collaborations to raise the profile of Skcins work and award winning training.  We feel very privileged to be working with Antonia and excited by the opportunities that lie ahead.


SKCIN offer two training courses. MASCED, which has been developed for the hair and beauty sector and MASCED PRO - a more in-depth, programme subsequently developed for medical professionals and healthcare practitioners.


To join SKCINs growing army of industry professionals combatting skin cancer in the UK, you can find out more and register to take part in either training programme at: MASCED.UK






Antonia Mariconda is a Beauty and Aesthetics Industry Key Opinion Leader, having founded the Safety in Beauty Campaign and The Safety in Beauty Diamond Awards in 2014, she has written four published books and has appeared in national consumer and industry media for her work. Antonia also works extensively as a business strategist for the industry via her award winning consultancy The Cosmedic Coach.





SKCIN are the UKs leading skin cancer awareness charity dedicated to the prevention and early detection of both melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer through educational intervention for public benefit. Formed by the family of Karen Clifford (the KC in SKCIN) who sadly passed from melanoma in 2005, SKCINs mission is to save lives and unnecessary suffering by preventing skin cancer for our future generations, improving prognosis through early detection and reducing the significant burden skin cancer places on the NHS.


Contact Marie.tudor@skcin.org