Harris & Ross physiotherapists also registered with the programme, Jeff Ross (clinic director) said: “We treat all kinds of injuries and complaints, which means we often work on parts of the body which are difficult to monitor such as backs, necks and shoulders. Being able to refer our patients when we spot something we believe needs attention is a fantastic initiative and one we are so pleased to be involved with.”
Tuesday, 5 December 2017
Harris & Ross physiotherapists also registered with the programme, Jeff Ross (clinic director) said: “We treat all kinds of injuries and complaints, which means we often work on parts of the body which are difficult to monitor such as backs, necks and shoulders. Being able to refer our patients when we spot something we believe needs attention is a fantastic initiative and one we are so pleased to be involved with.”
Thursday, 16 November 2017
Queens Park School completes Step 4 towards becoming a Sun Safe School - Lesson Plan
Skcin are pleased to announce that Queens Park School in London have completed Step 4 towards becoming a Sun Safe School by reading the book 'George the sun safe superstar' to each class and completing the linked lesson plan and work / activity sheets provided.
“We used these plans to deliver one off sessions throughout the school we used the story in the same manner you might employ a social story for younger child in eyfs we will use these every spring summer term excellent resources thank you
(Stella Wilson - Queens Park School) 16th November 2017
Queens Park School completes Step 4 towards becoming a Sun Safe School - Lesson Plan
Skcin are pleased to announce that Queens Park School in London have completed Step 4 towards becoming a Sun Safe School by reading the book 'George the sun safe superstar' to each class and completing the linked lesson plan and work / activity sheets provided.
“We used these plans to deliver one off sessions throughout the school we used the story in the same manner you might employ a social story for younger child in eyfs we will use these every spring summer term excellent resources thank you
(Stella Wilson - Queens Park School) 16th November 2017
Queens Park School completes Step 2 towards becoming a Sun Safe School - Communication With Parents
Skcin are pleased to announce that Queens Park School in London have completed Step 2 towards becoming a Sun Safe School by sending home with each child: a copy of their Sun Safety Policy, a letter about the scheme and Sun Safety Information.
“We used the resources to create better awareness by handing out booklet and creating a parents display in our school office we used the hydration guidelines to advise active travellers on our tfl projects and implemented a shorter sports day in response to guidelines set in july
(Stella Wilson - Queens Park School) 16th November 2017
Queens Park School completes Step 1 towards becoming a Sun Safe School - Sun Safety Policy
Skcin are pleased to announce that Queens Park School in London have completed Step 1 towards becoming a Sun Safe School by creating a Sun Safety Policy using our easy, online policy maker.
“This was extremely useful and great for creating an updated version of our school sun policy. I would really recommend this resource.
(Stella Wilson - Queens Park School) 16th November 2017
Monday, 30 October 2017
Thursday, 19 October 2017

Marie Tudor, Business Development Manager at Skcin said, “This is an important collaboration with Liverpool John Moores University to improve the health and wellbeing of our local communities. Skin cancer rates are rocketing, with Liverpool displaying some of the UKs highest incident rates but 85% of skin cancers are preventable. Education is the key to saving lives and helping us to address this major public health concern. Through education we can evoke a cultural change and shift in attitude towards sun safety, which will help to reverse the soaring rates of skin cancer for current and future generations.”
Monday, 21 August 2017
Cavendish Close Infant and Nursery School completes Step 4 towards renewing their Sun Safe Accreditation - Lesson Plan
Skcin are pleased to announce that Cavendish Close Infant and Nursery School in Derby have completed Step 4 towards renewing their Sun Safe Accreditation by reading the book 'George the sun safe superstar' to each class and completing the linked lesson plan and work / activity sheets provided.
“We have always made good use of the available resources. Over the years, we have created our own resources as well. Every classroom has a sun safety display. Our children can talk articulately about why it is important to stay safe in the sun. We hold an annual sun safety poster competition. Posters are laminated and displayed.
(Christina Diffin - Cavendish Close Infant and Nursery School) 21st August 2017
Cavendish Close Infant and Nursery School completes Step 3 towards renewing their Sun Safe Accreditation - Assembly Plan
Skcin are pleased to announce that Cavendish Close Infant and Nursery School in Derby have completed Step 3 towards renewing their Sun Safe Accreditation by conducting a whole school assembly to introduce the scheme and the importance of Sun Safety to the children.
“We conduct several assemblies throughout the year reminding our children about the importance of staying safe in the sun. We have a sun safety themed week every year. Our children love the george the sun safe superstar story.
(Christina Diffin - Cavendish Close Infant and Nursery School) 21st August 2017
Congratulations to Tiny Toez @ Westfield who have just renewed their Sun Safe Nurseries Accreditation.
Skcin are pleased to announce that Tiny Toez @ Westfield in Staffordshire have renewed their Sun Safe Nurseries Accreditation. The accreditation has been awarded to the nursery as they have completed the necessary steps to ensure their pupils and employees are educated on the importance of sun safety and that a suitable sun safe environment and policy is put in place and reviewed annually.
Skcin’s Sun Safe Schools, Sun Safe Nurseries and Sun Safe Workplaces national accreditation schemes are dedicated to educating at risk groups and future generations on the importance of sun safety to prevent skin cancer and promote early detection of the disease.
Tiny Toez @ Westfield Completes Step 1 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Sun Hats, Sunscreen & Role Models
Congratulations to Tiny Toez @ Westfield for issuing Sun Safety Fact Sheets to all their pupils. Tiny Toez @ Westfield has also pledged to keep sun hats and sunscreen available for all their children and to act as role models with regard to sun safety:
“Tiny Toez @ Westfield have given out all their Sunsafe letters and fact sheet to their parents and carers in their setting. They have been signed and returned and are now kept in the managers office and are easily accessible. The Sunsafe information will be given along side the enrollment forms to the new children that join the nursery. ”
(Hayley Ferns - Tiny Toez @ Westfield)
“Tiny Toez always keeps spare sunhats and sunscream at the nursery. The parents are always reminded to provide their own appropraite sunscreen however the nursery will always have high appropraite factor available. The staff in the setting are good role models and will demonstarte to the children how to put the suncream on themselves and will always tell them the importance of sunhats and protection. Shaded areas are provided during outdoor play and water is provided at all times too. The staff have been reading George the Sunsafe Superstar to the children. ”
(Hayley Ferns - Tiny Toez @ Westfield)
Kiddi Caru Day Nursery Writtle Completes Step 3 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Teaching Resources & Activities
Congratulations to Kiddi Caru Day Nursery Writtle for reading George the Sun Safe Superstar to all their children and introducing everyone to the ‘Slip, Slap, Slop song’.Kiddi Caru Day Nursery Writtle have also pledged to continue to regularly use the resources provided to reinforce the sun safe message to their children.
“Our children enjoyed looking at the book and singing the song. It has really engaged them and they have a better understanding of sun safety.”
(Rachel Broome - Kiddi Caru Day Nursery Writtle)
“We will continue to ensure our children and families are aware of sun safety.”
(Rachel Broome - Kiddi Caru Day Nursery Writtle)
Thursday, 3 August 2017
Celtic Manor taking Sun Saferty seriouolsy for their outdoor workers.....
Wednesday, 2 August 2017
Congratulations to Heygarth Primary School for completing their Sun Safe Accreditation!
Skcin are pleased to announce that Heygarth Primary School is now a Sun Safe School.
“Excellent programme designed to promote sun safety with children in our school. I hope that the children remember what they have learnt for when they are playing at over the summer holidays. Our pta have purchased a legionaries sun hat and water bottle for every child in the school as a direct result of us taking part in this programme this year. These will be gifted to our children in september. We will definitely be teaching these lessons and assembly next year! Thank you.
(Hazel Beamish - Heygarth Primary School) 2nd August 2017
Wednesday, 26 July 2017
Little Voices Nursery Completes Step 3 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Teaching Resources & Activities
Congratulations to Little Voices Nursery for reading George the Sun Safe Superstar to all their children and introducing everyone to the ‘Slip, Slap, Slop song’.Little Voices Nursery have also pledged to continue to regularly use the resources provided to reinforce the sun safe message to their children.
“The children adore this song and have caught on to the catchy tune already. This definitely is effective for enthusiasm for sun cream as this can be a tedious task for the children to stand and have cream applied. The book is very popular and encouraged lots of role play in the nursery ”
(Emily Stevenson - Little Voices Nursery )
“The resources in this scheme will be used regularly to encourage and promote sun safety within our nursery ”
(Emily Stevenson - Little Voices Nursery )
Kiddi Caru Caldecotte is now an Official Sun Safe Nursery!
Congratulations to Kiddi Caru Caldecotte for obtaining their Sun Safe Nursery Status & Award
“the service was great, we didn't know about the award and just stumbled across it I feel more nurseries would benefit from implementing the things in supporting children and families. we will also be informing our local press about our award.”
(Lucy Clarke - Kiddi Caru Caldecotte)
Step By Step Nursery is now an Official Sun Safe Nursery!
Congratulations to Step By Step Nursery for obtaining their Sun Safe Nursery Status & Award
“I feel this has been very rewarding to achieve. Sun safety is very important to all of us but especially to children who attend nursery. We are teaching them to care for themselves and gaining our sun safety status has helped them to understand the importance of applying sun cream, wearing a sun hat and putting on a t-shirt. I would love to see more awards like this to support children's learning a great idea Thank you.”
(Katy KEELER - Step By Step Nursery)
Congratulations to Grange Community School who have just renewed their Sun Safe Accreditation!
Skcin are pleased to announce that Grange Community School in Staffs have renewed their Sun Safe Schools Accreditation by ensuring their pupils are educated on the importance of sun safety and that a suitable sun safe environment and policy is put in place and reviewed annually.
“As always the children and parents have responded well to sun safety in school. As we have implemented the Sun Safe scheme for the past few years, older children now inform new starters to the school and parents automatically take more care when sending the children to school in hot weather... which is fantastic! Every year we adapt the policy from the previous year and ensure parent's letters are updated, sent to parents and put on the school website. Teachers ensure sun safe activities are in their planning in the summer term and assemblies are carried out. As a school we think it is an invaluable resource. Thank you!
(Bev Bateman - Grange Community School) 26th July 2017
Tuesday, 25 July 2017
Congratulations to Dunham-on-Trent CofE Primary School for completing their Sun Safe Accreditation!
Skcin are pleased to announce that Dunham-on-Trent CofE Primary School is now a Sun Safe School.
“A brilliant resource - really well presented and organised. I liked the simplicity of the policy generator, and the fact that the ks2 resources were more challenging. Thank you
(Julia Wallace - Dunham-on-Trent CofE Primary School) 25th July 2017
Friday, 21 July 2017
Congratulations to Netherfield Infant School for completing their Sun Safe Accreditation!
Skcin are pleased to announce that Netherfield Infant School is now a Sun Safe School.
“The children have developed their knowledge on how to keep safe in the sun. They enjoyed the activities and especially enjoyed the book and song. It has been a very useful and effective scheme.
(Rosie Davies - Netherfield Infant School) 21st July 2017
Congratulations to Kempston Rural for completing their Sun Safe Accreditation!
Skcin are pleased to announce that Kempston Rural is now a Sun Safe School.
“The website with the 4 steps has been incredibly useful when educating the children about sun safety. The pre-formatted resources have saved time and offered a clear proforma to follow. The children have enjoyed the activities and teaching elements and the letters to keep parents informed were a useful addition.
(Katie Seddon - Kempston Rural ) 21st July 2017
Thursday, 20 July 2017
Swanage Primary School completes Step 3 towards becoming a Sun Safe School - Assembly Plan
Skcin are pleased to announce that Swanage Primary School in Swanage have completed Step 3 towards becoming a Sun Safe School by conducting a whole school assembly to introduce the scheme and the importance of Sun Safety to the children.
“The resources for the whole school assembly were fantastic! It enabled us to create the plan very easily and very quickly. We used the powerpoint for the assembly and it made a great backdrop behind the children on the screen. Our class sang the slip slop slap song so loud that we did not need to use the music to accompnay them on the day. We included lots of the essential top tips for avoiding sunburn, and lots of interesting sun facts that we found in the sun safe literature. It was a very informative assembly and was thoroughly enjoyed by the whole school and the parents and grandparents, aunties and uncles of the children in our class! We were given lots of compliments and positive feedback. At the end of the assembly we did a q&a session, asking questions to the whole school to see what they could remember to stay sun safe. It was so much fun to do, the children really enjoyed it!
(Susannah Hill - Swanage Primary School) 20th July 2017
Tuesday, 18 July 2017
Congratulations to Moulton Chapel Primary School for completing their Sun Safe Accreditation!
Congratulations to Mitchell Brook Primary School for completing their Sun Safe Accreditation!
Skcin are pleased to announce that Mitchell Brook Primary School is now a Sun Safe School.
“I can truly say, this has been one of the best websites for resources and information i have come across. It really has it all. Had lots of fun using this product and loved the profiles.
(Finola Ryan - Mitchell Brook Primary School) 18th July 2017
Saturday, 15 July 2017
Moulton Chapel Primary School completes Step 3 towards becoming a Sun Safe School - Assembly Plan
Skcin are pleased to announce that Moulton Chapel Primary School in Spalding have completed Step 3 towards becoming a Sun Safe School by conducting a whole school assembly to introduce the scheme and the importance of Sun Safety to the children.
“The resources have proved to be fabulous in heightening the awareness of children and their families on the importance of being safe in the sun. The slip slap slop song is loved by all! Parents willingly signed up to our whole school policy and we have provided every child in the school with a legionnaire cap bearing the school's logo. We feel that we also raised public awareness with our children all wearing their legionnaire caps on summer outings in the past couple of weeks. Lots of positive reaction from the general public. The resources have been useful for staff in educating the children on uv values and the children have been checking uv levels daily using a range of media - apps and weather websites. All incoming new parents have been advised of our sun safe policy and thoroughly approve.
(Lesley Mackenzie - Moulton Chapel Primary School) 15th July 2017
Wednesday, 12 July 2017
Congratulations to Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School for completing their Sun Safe Accreditation!
Skcin are pleased to announce that Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School is now a Sun Safe School.
“The sun safety scheme has been extremely informative and has provided our school with many resources and ideas. The scheme is very easy and user friendly. All children have enjoyed taking part in the different activities and lots of discussion and questions have taken place. The policy and letter for parents has worked well in our school giving parents a clear idea about the scheme and what we are aiming to do. I believe this scheme has proven successful in promoting sun safety and reminding children as well as parents the dangers of being in the sun for long periods of time.
(Paul Eaton - Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School) 12th July 2017
Tuesday, 11 July 2017
Kiddi Caru Day Nursery Completes Step 3 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Teaching Resources & Activities
Congratulations to Kiddi Caru Day Nursery for reading George the Sun Safe Superstar to all their children and introducing everyone to the ‘Slip, Slap, Slop song’.Kiddi Caru Day Nursery have also pledged to continue to regularly use the resources provided to reinforce the sun safe message to their children.
“The children loved listening to the story and the song. The staff read the story to the children and reinforced the important message of why it is so important to look after our skin. Our older children are beginning to sing the song when they apply their sun cream and use language to describe what they are doing. The children also like to make sure they have a sun hat, and also find one for their friends to wear!”
(Emma Northwood - Kiddi Caru Day Nursery)
“The resources we have been provided with are extremely beneficial to the children and the song and story will be used regularly. We will also be looking at the additional resources available to us to support the children and their families awareness of sun safety. ”
(Emma Northwood - Kiddi Caru Day Nursery)
Horsted Keynes Preschool Completes Step 3 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Teaching Resources & Activities
Congratulations to Horsted Keynes Preschool for reading George the Sun Safe Superstar to all their children and introducing everyone to the ‘Slip, Slap, Slop song’.Horsted Keynes Preschool have also pledged to continue to regularly use the resources provided to reinforce the sun safe message to their children.
“A friend provided us with the song a while ago and since purchasing our new hats and implementing a new sun policy, we have been singing this with the children. Its lovely to hear them singing it to their siblings.”
(Clare Humphreys - Horsted Keynes Preschool)
“Horsted Keynes Preschool will regularly use the resources provided to reinforce the sun safe message to our children.”
(Clare Humphreys - Horsted Keynes Preschool)
Horsted Keynes Preschool is now an Official Sun Safe Nursery!
Congratulations to Horsted Keynes Preschool for obtaining their Sun Safe Nursery Status & Award
“Everybody at Horsted Keynes Preschool would like to congratulate you on making the process and simple and fun one but most importantly for allowing us to teach such an important message to our children in a fun, informative way. Thank you ”
(Clare Humphreys - Horsted Keynes Preschool)
Congratulations to Bluebell Primary for completing their Sun Safe Accreditation!
Skcin are pleased to announce that Bluebell Primary is now a Sun Safe School.
“The sun safe schools scheme has been brilliant and the children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about why they need to be sun safe. The documents that went home to the parents were very professional and we saw more and more children coming to school with their sun hats, water bottles and sun cream. The scheme has also raised awareness to school staff and they have been looking more sun safe as well now.
(Bradley Rea - Bluebell Primary) 11th July 2017
Saturday, 8 July 2017
Congratulations to St John's Primary School who have just renewed their Sun Safe Accreditation!
Skcin are pleased to announce that St John's Primary School in London have renewed their Sun Safe Schools Accreditation by ensuring their pupils are educated on the importance of sun safety and that a suitable sun safe environment and policy is put in place and reviewed annually.
“This is an effective scheme which our school fully engages in. Parents provide permission slips for sun screen and children have their own sun cream labelled with their name and class available throughout the day. Staff help guide children to apply sun screen effectively. School sun hats are worn and hats with neck protection are now available.
(Holly Stylianou - St John's Primary School) 8th July 2017
Tuesday, 4 July 2017
Congratulations to Oasis Academy Long Cross for completing their Sun Safe Accreditation!
Skcin are pleased to announce that Oasis Academy Long Cross is now a Sun Safe School.
“The scheme is very good with amazing resources and guidance for teachers and healthy school leads to implement sun safety. All of the children responded with enthusiasm to the scheme and were eager to do activities and sang the songs. The scheme also gave us great ideas and resources for making a school display and involve children in making our school sun safe. We got good feedback from parents who also engaged with the new policy and requirements for their children to wear appropriate hats and sunscreen.
(Alicja Mackiewicz - Oasis Academy Long Cross) 4th July 2017
Friday, 30 June 2017
National Skin cancer charity, Skcin - working in association Melanoma Me
MelanomaMe has 6 Counsellors, two support workers and one Holistic therapist, and an administrator.
MelanomaMe. Launch Event, Saturday 8th July 2017, 12.00pm-4.00pm
MelanomaMe and Skcin would like to invite local organisations to the launch of our new project; supporting Melanoma patients and their families and friends.This is also a networking opportunity for those organisations that wish to attend.
Congratulations to Blackpool Carers Centre for completing their Sun Safe Accreditation!
Skcin are pleased to announce that Blackpool Carers Centre is now a Sun Safe School.
“On behalf of our centre we feel this scheme is invaluable in supporting us to provide awareness to our children and parents on being safe in the sun. We are working hard to have our staff trained in this area and providing awareness in an interactive and fun way to our children. Educating children at an early age is vital in reduces their risk in the sun and we will continue to raise this awareness.
(Hannah Fletcher - Blackpool Carers Centre) 30th June 2017
Thursday, 29 June 2017
Hinckley Road Nursery is now an Official Sun Safe Nursery!
Congratulations to Hinckley Road Nursery for obtaining their Sun Safe Nursery Status & Award
“This is an excellent program that I feel the local authorities should embrace to ensure all their settings are taking positive action to ensure they are spreading the important information about being safe in the sun. Any posters stickers and additional literature you can send us will certainly help us to further promote this practice at our family picnic which is taking places Monday 3rd July. Thank you again for the support and information.”
(Lorraine Weaver-Ennis - Hinckley Road Nursery)
Littledown School completes Step 4 towards becoming a Sun Safe School - Lesson Plan
Skcin are pleased to announce that Littledown School in Slough have completed Step 4 towards becoming a Sun Safe School by reading the book 'George the sun safe superstar' to each class and completing the linked lesson plan and work / activity sheets provided.
“The children enjoyed the story of george the sun safe superstar and enjoyed watching the cartoon that went with the book as this helped to re enforce the book in a more engaging way. The lesson plans were easy to follow and allowed us to create some engaging resources to work alongside the activities and worksheets that were provided. The children enjoyed the lesson and activities and some enjoyed it so much that they wanted to continue with the activities after the allotted lesson. Some will be carrying on with them during our enrichment afternoon that is coming up.
(Jo Matthews - Littledown School) 29th June 2017
Little People Stanningley Completes Step 3 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Teaching Resources & Activities
Congratulations to Little People Stanningley for reading George the Sun Safe Superstar to all their children and introducing everyone to the ‘Slip, Slap, Slop song’.Little People Stanningley have also pledged to continue to regularly use the resources provided to reinforce the sun safe message to their children.
“The children in our school room are picking the words up really quickly. The children in our younger rooms are enjoying listening to our books. For the 1st summer we have 100% of parents/carers providing full suncream and hats for the children. ”
(Becky Farrell - Little People Stanningley )
“At Little People Stanningley we will ensure that the resources provided will be used on a regular basis to enforce the sun safe policy. All new families to the setting will be given a copy of the sun safe letter as part of their induction pack.”
(Becky Farrell - Little People Stanningley )
Treetops Nursery is now an Official Sun Safe Nursery!
Congratulations to Treetops Nursery for obtaining their Sun Safe Nursery Status & Award
“We have really enjoyed the process of achieving our sun safe nursery status and the children have had lots of fun completing the activities, reading about George and telling their parents all about what they have learnt. The online format has been very easy to use and accessible for all members of staff ”
(Rachel Schofield - Treetops Nursery)
Ladywood Primary School completes Step 3 towards renewing their Sun Safe Accreditation - Assembly Plan
Skcin are pleased to announce that Ladywood Primary School in Derby have completed Step 3 towards renewing their Sun Safe Accreditation by conducting a whole school assembly to introduce the scheme and the importance of Sun Safety to the children.
“As well as our assembly at the end of spring term start of summer term 2017, since july 2016 we have included our policy and parent letter about sun safe as part of the new starter packs for nursery, reception and newcomers through the year. We also text and tweeted messages through the warmth of autumn 2016 and again during summer 2017. At lunchtime we have also put in place a shade time for each class, of course children can still sit in the shade at anytime, but this is to make sure all children are having time in the shade. Recently some children were invited to have a chat with our re/pshce/safety governor about safety and well-being and recalled sun safety as being important at school and out and about - recalling what they need to do to keep sun safe.
(Joanne Jerrom - Ladywood Primary School) 29th June 2017
Ladywood Primary School completes Step 3 towards renewing their Sun Safe Accreditation - Assembly Plan
Skcin are pleased to announce that Ladywood Primary School in Derby have completed Step 3 towards renewing their Sun Safe Accreditation by conducting a whole school assembly to introduce the scheme and the importance of Sun Safety to the children.
“As well as our assembly at the end of spring term start of summer term 2017, since july 2016 we have included our policy and parent letter about sun safe as part of the new starter packs for nursery, reception and newcomers through the year. We also text and tweeted messages through the warmth of autumn 2016 and again during summer 2017. At lunchtime we have also put in place a shade time for each class, of course children can still sit in the shade at anytime, but this is to make sure all children are having time in the shade. Recently some children were invited to have a chat with our re/pshce/safety governor about safety and well-being and recalled sun safety as being important at school and out and about - recalling what they need to do to keep sun safe.
(Joanne Jerrom - Ladywood Primary School) 29th June 2017
Ladywood Primary School completes Step 3 towards renewing their Sun Safe Accreditation - Assembly Plan
Skcin are pleased to announce that Ladywood Primary School in Derby have completed Step 3 towards renewing their Sun Safe Accreditation by conducting a whole school assembly to introduce the scheme and the importance of Sun Safety to the children.
“As well as our assembly at the end of spring term start of summer term 2017, since july 2016 we have included our policy and parent letter about sun safe as part of the new starter packs for nursery, reception and newcomers through the year. We also text and tweeted messages through the warmth of autumn 2016 and again during summer 2017. At lunchtime we have also put in place a shade time for each class, of course children can still sit in the shade at anytime, but this is to make sure all children are having time in the shade. Recently some children were invited to have a chat with our re/pshce/safety governor about safety and well-being and recalled sun safety as being important at school and out and about - recalling what they need to do to keep sun safe.
(Joanne Jerrom - Ladywood Primary School) 29th June 2017
Layton Hill Completes Step 1 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Sun Hats, Sunscreen & Role Models
Congratulations to Layton Hill for issuing Sun Safety Fact Sheets to all their pupils. Layton Hill has also pledged to keep sun hats and sunscreen available for all their children and to act as role models with regard to sun safety:
“Parents from the setting have been provided with both the letter and fact sheet. A copy of this fact sheet has also been added to our Facebook page and laminated and placed in the nursery entrance for all parents and staff to access.”
(Ruth Murdoch - Layton Hill )
“The setting has hats for all children. The hats have a large peak and a piece of material on the back which protects the children's necks from sun exposure. Parents are asked to provide a sun cream for their child which is clearly labelled and dated and is kept at the nursery for use everyday. All staff are aware of the importance in promoting sun safety and follow the same guide lines.”
(Ruth Murdoch - Layton Hill )
Kempston Rural completes Step 1 towards becoming a Sun Safe School - Sun Safety Policy
Skcin are pleased to announce that Kempston Rural in Kempston have completed Step 1 towards becoming a Sun Safe School by creating a Sun Safety Policy using our easy, online policy maker.
“It was very helpful having a policy outline to follow. It was also useful having the 'rationale' and 'government guidelines' sections to refer to when discussing the policy with the key decision makers in the school. The policy is straightforward, with the wording being simple to understand and follow for both those working within school and parents at home. It is also useful that there is an option to show that we are continuing to plan and investigate to both allow time for us to develop our policy and to show the parents that we are continuing to work on this.
(Katie Seddon - Kempston Rural ) 29th June 2017
Congratulations to Fairford Priamry School for completing their Sun Safe Accreditation!
Skcin are pleased to announce that Fairford Priamry School is now a Sun Safe School.
“The scheme has been very effective in educating children about the importance of sun safety but has also reminded staff and parents of the facts too. We actually had a parent who brought in sunscreen samples that she had acquired through her work at nhs. We held a whole school competition of colouring in the children, dressed appropriately and sunscreen was the prize, lessons were completed and majority of children are wearing sunhats whilst outside. Each class has a dedicated sunscreen box, and uv display which is regularly updated. There is also a large uv display which faces onto the playground to keep parents informed. I consider the scheme to have been very effective and a great way of embedding skin safety into the curriculum.
(Julie Fellows - Fairford Priamry School) 29th June 2017
Tuesday, 27 June 2017
Congratulations to Hamilton Primary School for completing their Sun Safe Accreditation!
Skcin are pleased to announce that Hamilton Primary School is now a Sun Safe School.
“Thank you for the support that you have provided. The scheme has had a massive impact on how we manage children in the sunny weather. We are now more aware of what can happen to children. The resources that this scheme has provided have been very helpful indeed. The 2 assemblies that we ran were supper and the children understood the message. Childrne are now much more willing to apply their own sun cream and parents are providing them with a small stock of cream to top up with during the day. The lessons plans were great and teachers have delivered the content. I also have a parent looking at providing shade options for the school and we aim to ask the parent's association to fund raise for this in the future. We will also be asking some children to monitor the uv count for a day. The website has been easy to use and i would like to thank the team for their support.
(Nick Hutchings - Hamilton Primary School) 27th June 2017
Congratulations to springfield junior who have just renewed their Sun Safe Accreditation!
Skcin are pleased to announce that springfield junior in Derbyshire have renewed their Sun Safe Schools Accreditation by ensuring their pupils are educated on the importance of sun safety and that a suitable sun safe environment and policy is put in place and reviewed annually.
“Children are much more aware than before we were a sun smart school - ask any child the rules and they know them. Thank you for letting us be part of the scheme
(liz haines - springfield junior) 27th June 2017
Monday, 26 June 2017
Thursday, 22 June 2017
Cardiff University Day Care Centre is now an Official Sun Safe Nursery!
Congratulations to Cardiff University Day Care Centre for obtaining their Sun Safe Nursery Status & Award
“The process was easy for us mainly because we do everything you were asking for. I have already had parents return their slip and I only sent it out by e-mail earlier today. I am in contact with our publicity department for them to help publicise that we are now part of the scheme. The children are enjoying the story and asking questions and love the song. We will be doing the song several times every day and reading the story as well. The children even role played what they had to do in certain circumstances, such as, going to their trays to get out what they needed as in sun hat and cream, helping each other as to what they needed and what to do with the cream before going in the sun. We had one child with hat, glasses and cream and one child who had nothing. We then asked them who could go out and who had to stay in. They answered all correctly already. Our children are showing an excellent understanding already. I think this is a good idea but the only part I am con”
(Jacqui Kempa - Cardiff University Day Care Centre)
Wednesday, 21 June 2017
Congratulations to St Stephens CP School Saltash for completing their Sun Safe Accreditation!
Skcin are pleased to announce that St Stephens CP School Saltash is now a Sun Safe School.
“Our sunsafe journey has been taken on by the children really well. We have a uv monitor and have purchased sun cream for all classes for reapplication throughout the day. The policy and letter for parents was clear and concise and the resources for assemblies and teaching are excellent!
(Michelle Crowley - St Stephens CP School Saltash) 21st June 2017
Congratulations to Westmeads Community Infant School for completing their Sun Safe Accreditation!
Skcin are pleased to announce that Westmeads Community Infant School is now a Sun Safe School.
“We have been really impressed with the whole campaign. The resources have been excellent and so easy to use. We were wary of the amount of work that would be required at a busy enough time of year, but this has not been the case. The children sat for over half an hour during assembly when we introduced it to them and took part in the lessons with a sense of maturity and gravity even. We feel the message is a very important one and are glad to have been part of this process. We look forward to re-doing our accreditation next year!
(Kate Gowing - Westmeads Community Infant School) 21st June 2017
Tuesday, 20 June 2017
Congratulations to Seaham Trinity Primary School for completing their Sun Safe Accreditation!
Skcin are pleased to announce that Seaham Trinity Primary School is now a Sun Safe School.
“The scheme is well thought out with great resources. It has been very effective in school.
(Kim Kim - Seaham Trinity Primary School) 20th June 2017