Wednesday 30 July 2014

Playmates Day Nursery Completes Step 3 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Teaching Resources & Activities

Congratulations to Playmates Day Nursery for reading George the Sun Safe Superstar to all their children and introducing everyone to the ‘Slip, Slap, Slop song’.Playmates Day Nursery have also pledged to continue to regularly use the resources provided to reinforce the sun safe message to their children.

“The children enjoyed listening to the story. They were able to understand the need to cover up, use protection against the sun (creams and shaded areas). A very useful addition to the nursery's own sun safe environment”

(Christine Clare - Playmates Day Nursery)

“We will ensure existing and new parents will be informed of our sun safe policy, as a useful addition to our own sun safe environment”

(Christine Clare - Playmates Day Nursery)

Playmates Day Nursery is now an Official Sun Safe Nursery!

Congratulations to Playmates Day Nursery for obtaining their Sun Safe Nursery Status & Award

“We are already very aware of the danger the sun. this programme is a useful way of reinforcing our message.”

(Christine Clare - Playmates Day Nursery)

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Young Brits Disregard Skin Cancer Risks at Home


News Release
AXA PPP healthcare
External Communications
PPP house
Vale Road
Tunbridge Wells

Young Brits disregard skin cancer risks at home, says new report

15 July 2014: Brits are underestimating the risks of sun exposure when home in the UK, according to a new AXA PPP healthcare investigation* into attitudes to sun protection, with 18-24 year olds being the biggest culprits.

The study, based on a poll of 2000 adults, reveals widespread misconceptions about sun protection in the UK, with clear divides between gender and age.

Only a quarter (26 per cent) of 18-24 year olds say they take their personal sun protection seriously when at home in the UK, always applying a high level of sunscreen. It’s not surprising therefore that half of the respondents in this group admit to having been sun burned one or more times while in Britain in the past 12 months. This compares with older, evidently sun-wiser, respondents. Just 14 per cent of those aged 55+ and 23 per cent of those aged 45-54 said they’d been burnt by the British sun in the past year.

Young un-sun-savvy in so many ways
·         Nearly a quarter (23 per cent) of 18-24 year olds think the sun in Britain is too weak and insufficiently dangerous for them to need sunscreen protection, compared with just 9 per cent and 10 per cent of those aged 55+ and 45-54, respectively.
·         Over two fifths (42 percent) of 18-24 year olds think they can’t get sunburn on a cloudy day in the UK, compared with 30 per cent of those aged 55+ and 32 per cent of those aged 45-54.
·         Over a third (37 per cent) of 18-24 year olds believe that spray-on tan will protect them from getting sun burn, compared with 14 per cent and 17 per cent of those aged 55+ and 45-54, respectively.
·         Nearly a third (31 per cent) of 18-24 year olds think that rubbing on vegetable oil will protect them from sun burn, compared with 10 per cent and 12 per cent of those aged 55+ and 45-54, respectively.
·         Lack of burn awareness even extended to dogs: only 39 per cent of 18-24 year olds knew that dogs can, in fact, get sun burn, compared with 56 per cent and 59 per cent of those aged 55+ and 45-54, respectively.

“It’s a surprisingly common belief that the sun is only strong enough to be harmful when abroad but people need to know that it can be just as dangerous in the UK and sun protection is not just something to think about when they go away on holiday,” says Dr Steve Iley, medical director for health services at AXA PPP healthcare.

Skin cancer is the UK’s most common cancer. Over 13,000 new cases of the most dangerous form, malignant melanoma, were diagnosed in 2011, along with over 100,000 cases of the less severe – and highly treatable – non-melanoma form of the disease. Excessive exposure to sunlight and increasing use of sunbeds are believed to have been major contributors to the growing numbers of people diagnosed with the disease since the mid 1970s.**

Dr Iley continues: “Sun safety messages seem to be getting through to older adults but it is clear that more needs to be done to raise the awareness of younger people. It’s a concern that malignant melanoma rates are disproportionately higher in younger people in the UK compared with those for other commonly occurring cancers. To prevent an increase in skin cancers in years to come, we need to start thinking about the damage too much sun can do, however old we are.

People are advised to consult their GP immediately if a mole develops any of the following signs:

·         changing shape, particularly getting an irregular outline
·         changing colour, getting darker, becoming patchy or multi-shaded
·         an existing mole getting bigger or a new mole growing quickly
·         if a mole starts to itch or become painful
·         if a mole is bleeding, becoming crusty and or looks inflamed.

In light of these findings, AXA PPP healthcare has partnered with the Karen Clifford skin cancer charity, Skcin, to help spread the word about the importance of sun safety. As a part of the charity’s sun safety educational work, the charity has written a children’s book entitled George the Sun Safe Superstar.  It’s part of its free Sun Safe Schools & Nurseries accreditation schemes which encourage children to remember the Five S’s of Sun Safety – Slip, Slop, Slap, Slide (on sunglasses) and Shade – and stay safe in the sun. Charlotte Fionda, development director at Skcin, says: “We’re very grateful to AXA PPP for its support in turning our George book into an animated film. Sun safety is critical for people of all ages – and especially so for children. Failure to protect your skin in the sun and allowing it to burn increases the risk of skin cancer. This is important to avoid because the increased risk that sun damage causes cannot be reversed at the present time.”

Despite the worrying findings, sun awareness seems to be changing for the better, with women outpacing men in the sunscreen stakes. Over four fifths (82 per cent) of women said they think more about using sunscreen nowadays than they did five years ago, compared with 73 per cent of men. On the other hand, when it came sun bed users, over three quarters of men (78 per cent) and women (77 per cent) said they had cut down on how much they’d used them in the past five years.

Women consistently dealt with sun risks better than men did – home and away. When abroad in a hot sunny country, over half (52 per cent) the women surveyed said they take their sun protection very seriously, always applying a high level of sunscreen when outdoors in daylight hours, compared with 43 per cent of men. Even at home in the UK during the spring and summer months, 30 per cent of women said they take their sun protection just as seriously as when abroad, compared with 26 per cent of men. And, when it comes to skin protection, women led the way in playing it safe. Nearly three quarters (71 per cent) of women said they used a sunblock factor of 20 or more for their personal protection, compared with 61 per cent of men.


“Of course it’s important to be careful in the sun but it’s not all bad news. Exposure to sunshine is one of the ways we get our vitamin D, lack of which can lead to bone weakness problems such as rickets and osteomalacia. It’s all about getting the right balance and protecting your skin from excessive exposure and burning – whether at home or away,” says Dr Iley.


AXA PPP healthcare’s Sun Aware Centre provides information and advice on personal or family health. Its Ask the Experts service is also available for medical questions; enquirers will usually receive a response from a healthcare expert within 48 hours.


*Online survey of 2000 UK adults conducted during May 2014 by market researcher One Poll.

**Skin cancer statistics, Cancer Research UK:

John DuBois / Ben Faulkner              AXA PPP healthcare press office                      01892 612822

Case study one

Young person sunburnt in the UK – Tom Bourlet, 25, Brighton

25 year old Tom Bourlet, writer of travel blog, has travelled to countless destinations across the globe, but never expected to get severe sun burn in the UK.

“I’ve been severely sun burnt on two occasions in the UK. First when I was 23 at the Beach Break festival in Wales, and this April in Bristol. I completely underestimated the warmth of the sun. I applied a small amount of sun lotion when I started to feel burn after around four hours of being outside, but it was far too late by then.”

“I only ever think about sun lotion when travelling abroad. You automatically reach for the lotion when you’re on holiday, but it’s just not something you tend to think about it in the UK. “It’s definitely something I’m more aware of since I have been burnt.”
Case study two

Living with sun damaged skin (morphoeic basal cell carcinoma) – Debbie, 50, Bournemouth



My name is Debbie married with three children, from sunny Bournemouth this is my story so far with living with skin cancer. At the age of 41 I was diagnosed with my first basal cell carcinoma (BCC) morphoeic type which is a more aggressive form of skin cancer (non-melanoma) that needs to be spotted at the early stages to avoid further disfigurement, especially on the face!

It started with me having a small spot like cyst on the side of my nose which didn’t heal after a few months and it just got bigger and formed a pearl like spot about 5mm in diameter. The first GP to have it checked said it was nothing to worry about but, after a couple of months with it, it was still not healing and was changing size and form and would often bleed. I had a second opinion from another GP and luckily he knew that it was a basal cell carcinoma and referred me on to a specialist for skin cancer treatment where I had it surgically removed. This was not a pleasant experience and to add to this, I was told at the time, I also had to have a second one removed just below my cheek bone. As a result, I was back again to have this removed and unlike the first, it required a skin graft.

So that year for me was the beginning of my journey living with basal cell carcinoma, caused by sun damage in my early years, meaning from now on to be extra careful with sun exposure. Knowing the damage had already started, I then had to have further surgery two years later to have a third removal on my eye lid. For this surgery, I had to go to the eye hospital and then a year later I had one removed from my back, then another from my stomach, leg and arms.

Already this year, now aged 47, I’ve had to have a fourth removal – this time done by Mohs surgery – on the other side of my nose. This is still in the process of healing as I write my story. I also have to go back again in a couple of months’ time to have yet another removal, which will be my fifth! This one is on the right side under my eye as the biopsy came back positive. I’m also to have a biopsy taken from my knee and arm and so it continues…

With all this treatment and surgery, has meant there is scarring, especially on my face, which has affected my confidence and self-esteem as a result. It has become tiring explaining to others that it’s been unfortunate for me having fun in the sun as a child and in my teen years with no knowledge that too much sun would cause skin cancer in my later years.

As a child, I had fair skin and hair, with green eyes and freckles on my nose, which my mum described as “I’d been kissed by the sun.” Little did I know the sun was causing damage to my skin! Growing up in the seaside town of Blackpool and only living five minutes’ walk away from the beach, meant my early childhood memories were of spending lovely hot summers down the beach. We had a few holidays abroad and I also did many outdoor activities such as horse riding and bike riding etc.

With my birthday being on 21st June, I had many happy parties in the sunshine with excess sun exposure, protected only by low factor sun cream. Back then my parents just said, “Mind you don’t get sun burnt or get sunstroke.”

Now as a parent of three and living in Bournemouth (another seaside town), my warning is not to get burnt or sunstroke and to keep in the shade between 11 and 3, as this is when the sun is at its strongest. I would also suggest wearing high factor sun screen to avoid the risk of developing skin cancer in your later years.

Back in my teens, us girls on holidays abroad would apply a coconut oil to our skin, which at the time, was the very thing to get a deep tan. Looking back, I now cringe, as I know now it was more frying my skin than protecting it.

So this is the reason for my story, to hopefully educate others that the sun can do serious damage to your precious skin, so be warned and take good care of it.

The update to my story now aged 50 is that unfortunately two years ago I had to undergo yet more BCC removal Mohs surgery on the left side to my nose, then more surgery as BCC had returned on the upper of my right side of my nose this time it was close to my tear duct which left me with a droopy eye so I then had to have further corrective surgery at the eye hospital.
Then, recently last month, I had to have a BCC removal from my back and then had to undergo yet again more biopsies on my face this time under my right eyelid and on the tip of my nose, and also a removal surgery on my shoulder. The biopsy results came back for my nose and lower eyelid positive to BCC so unfortunately for me again I've now to have more Mohs surgery again to my nose and lower eyelid. I've just now the anxious wait on my Mohs surgery appointment that could be any day soon. And so my never ending story goes on. I continue to hope sharing my story helps in education and prevention for others.

Notes to editors
About AXA PPP healthcare
AXA PPP healthcare has been helping people to access healthcare services since 1940. Today it forms the UK healthcare arm of AXA and provides cover for medical and dental care for individuals and employers, and employee wellbeing, counselling, occupational health and rehabilitation services through its specialist Health Services division.

About AXA
The AXA Group is a worldwide leader in insurance and asset management, with 160,000 employees serving 102 million clients in 56 countries. In 2013, IFRS revenues amounted to Euro 91.2 billion and IFRS underlying earnings to Euro 4.7 billion. AXA had Euro 1,113 billion in assets under management as of December 31, 2013.

In the UK AXA operates through a number of business units including: AXA Wealth, AXA Commercial Lines and Personal Intermediary, AXA Personal Direct and Partnerships, AXA PPP healthcare, AXA Ireland and an independent distribution business Bluefin. AXA employs over 10,500 staff in the UK.

The AXA ordinary share is listed on compartment A of Euronext Paris under the ticker symbol CS (ISN FR 0000120628 – Bloomberg: CS FP – Reuters: AXAF.PA). AXA’s American Depository Share is also quoted on the OTC QX platform under the ticker symbol AXAHY.

The AXA Group is included in the main international SRI indexes, such as Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) and FTSE4GOOD.

It is a founding member of the UN Environment Programme’s Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) Principles for Sustainable Insurance and a signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment.

About Skcin
Skcin is a national charitable organisation targeting skin cancer in the UK. Its principle objective is to ensure that the danger of over-exposure to the sun is given greater profile with the emphasis on education resulting in the vital early detection of the disease. To find out more about the charity and its free resources for schools and nurseries visit

Skcin Attend Sun Safe Assembly with MP Alistair Burt at Raynsford CofE Academy in Henlow

Skcin Attend Sun Safe Assembly with MP Alistair Burt at Raynsford CofE Academy in Henlow On Friday 18th July Skcin had the pleasure of attending a Sun Safe Assembly at Raynsford Church of England Academy, Henlow alongside Alistair Burt, MP for NE Bedfordshire. We were also able to present the school with their Sun Safe Schools Certificate, after their completion of Skcin’s Sun Safe Schools award scheme.

The children also enjoyed a first showing of an animated version of our ‘George The Sun Safe Superstar’ book, which they loved! Mr Burt then spoke to the children about his work as an MP in constituency and children in the schools own Owl Parliament had the opportunity to ask Mr Burt questions about life as an MP. Mr Burt was also presented with a collection of Sun Safe posters the children had created, which he promised to show the Health Minister, as Sun Safety is a very important subject.

Monday 28 July 2014

Busy Bees Montessori School Completes Step 3 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Teaching Resources & Activities

Congratulations to Busy Bees Montessori School for reading George the Sun Safe Superstar to all their children and introducing everyone to the ‘Slip, Slap, Slop song’.Busy Bees Montessori School have also pledged to continue to regularly use the resources provided to reinforce the sun safe message to their children.

“The children listened to the story and really enjoyed joining in the 'Slip' 'Slap' 'Slap' song

If taught them to think before they went outside in the sun ”

(Alison Gale - Busy Bees Montessori School)

“We have completed all three stages

And will continue to teach all the new children each year what we follow when the sunshine comes out

We will also explain this to the patents as well ”

(Alison Gale - Busy Bees Montessori School)

Glen Family Centre Completes Step 2 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Shade

Congratulations to Glen Family Centre for providing shaded areas for their pupils.

Shaded Area photo submitted by Glen Family Centre

“Glen family Centre 14/5/14

Our nursery is surrounded by trees and we use them when appropriate. There is a shaded manmade area at top of our garden and also a shaded sand pit. We purchased 2 gazebos and 1 sun umbrella to use when needed and we ensure the children only go into the sun for short spells.”

(Denise Livingstone - Glen Family Centre)

Little Tots Nursery Completes Step 3 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Teaching Resources & Activities

Congratulations to Little Tots Nursery for reading George the Sun Safe Superstar to all their children and introducing everyone to the ‘Slip, Slap, Slop song’.Little Tots Nursery have also pledged to continue to regularly use the resources provided to reinforce the sun safe message to their children.

“the children enjoyed the slip slop slap song and the sun safe story, the children all spoke about what was needed to be protected from the sun to keep them sun safe and asked to sing the song more than once. ”

(Emma Taylor - Little Tots Nursery)

“we pledge to sing the slip slop slap song on a regular basis especially in sunny weather and pledge to read the story to talk about the importance for sun safety.”

(Emma Taylor - Little Tots Nursery)

Thursday 24 July 2014

Little Tots Nursery is now an Official Sun Safe Nursery!

Congratulations to Little Tots Nursery for obtaining their Sun Safe Nursery Status & Award

“we received good feed back from parent/carers, and the children love talking about the importance for sun safety, they can tell us what we need without us telling them. The story goes down well and the children are continuously learning the song.”

(Emma Taylor - Little Tots Nursery)

Saxon Way Children's Centre is now an Official Sun Safe Nursery!

Congratulations to Saxon Way Children's Centre for obtaining their Sun Safe Nursery Status & Award

“I found the process of gaining our sun safe status fun and informative. Some of the parents found the small booklets very interesting and some of them have visited their Doctors with concerns they have regarding their moles. I will contact our Early years team to promote our certificate and our sun safety status. our children did enjoy the 'George story' but feel a shorter version could be made for our younger children. we have tried to gather free samples of lotion for our families from various stores but have been unsuccessful . if you have any ideas where we could get some samples we would appreciate this.”

(Donna Foley - Saxon Way Children's Centre)

Saxon Way Children's Centre Completes Step 3 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Teaching Resources & Activities

Congratulations to Saxon Way Children's Centre for reading George the Sun Safe Superstar to all their children and introducing everyone to the ‘Slip, Slap, Slop song’.Saxon Way Children's Centre have also pledged to continue to regularly use the resources provided to reinforce the sun safe message to their children.

“the story has been read to our children which they enjoyed some of the children talk about George when I ask the children if they have their sun lotion on. the song was taught to the children with some of the children we had to adapt the song to their age.”

(Donna Foley - Saxon Way Children's Centre)

“as I am a skin cancer patient myself I am always aware of making sure that parents and children are protecting themselves from the sun and this will always stay with me .”

(Donna Foley - Saxon Way Children's Centre)

Monday 21 July 2014

Busy Bees Montessori School Completes Step 1 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Sun Hats, Sunscreen & Role Models

Congratulations to Busy Bees Montessori School for issuing Sun Safety Fact Sheets to all their pupils. Busy Bees Montessori School has also pledged to keep sun hats and sunscreen available for all their children and to act as role models with regard to sun safety:

“all letters have been sent and returned ”

(Alison Gale - Busy Bees Montessori School)

“all our staff have been trained to take the appropirate measures. all children come to school with suncream applied and sun hats are placed in their baskets for easy access.”

(Alison Gale - Busy Bees Montessori School)

Busy Bees Montessori School Completes Step 2 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Shade

Congratulations to Busy Bees Montessori School for providing shaded areas for their pupils.

Shaded Area photo submitted by Busy Bees Montessori School

“We have two gazebo situated in our garden area as well as a shaded part right next to the setting which gives the children shade ”

(Alison Gale - Busy Bees Montessori School)

Busy Bees Montessori School is now an Official Sun Safe Nursery!

Congratulations to Busy Bees Montessori School for obtaining their Sun Safe Nursery Status & Award

“This was an easy process to follow

And to teach the children the importance of being safe in the sun ”

(Alison Gale - Busy Bees Montessori School)

Saturday 19 July 2014

St Matthews Preschool Completes Step 2 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Shade

Congratulations to St Matthews Preschool for pledging to explore options regarding providing shaded areas for children during breaks outside.

“We will buy a new gazebo for use outside to provide shade.”

(Julie Wales - St Matthews Preschool)

Thursday 17 July 2014

St Matthews Preschool Completes Step 1 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Sun Hats, Sunscreen & Role Models

Congratulations to St Matthews Preschool for issuing Sun Safety Fact Sheets to all their pupils. St Matthews Preschool has also pledged to keep sun hats and sunscreen available for all their children and to act as role models with regard to sun safety:

“I confirm that we will ensure all our parents are given details of the sun safe policy and be given a sun safety fact sheet.”

(Julie Wales - St Matthews Preschool)

“All of our practitioners will be taught in sun safe methods and will provide hats for children to wear and sunscreen.”

(Julie Wales - St Matthews Preschool)

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Playmates Day Nursery Completes Step 2 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Shade

Congratulations to Playmates Day Nursery for providing shaded areas for their pupils.

Shaded Area photo submitted by Playmates Day Nursery

“we use the natural shadows to shade, as the sun moves. we also use parasols and a gazebo”

(Christine Clare - Playmates Day Nursery)

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Playmates Day Nursery Completes Step 1 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Sun Hats, Sunscreen & Role Models

Congratulations to Playmates Day Nursery for issuing Sun Safety Fact Sheets to all their pupils. Playmates Day Nursery has also pledged to keep sun hats and sunscreen available for all their children and to act as role models with regard to sun safety:

“All parents are aware of our intention to continue to provide a safe environment in the sun”

(Christine Clare - Playmates Day Nursery)

“We have always held spare sun hats at the setting and keep our own supply of sun cream”

(Christine Clare - Playmates Day Nursery)

Blisworth Community Primary School Completes Step 2 towards becoming a Sun Safe School - Shade

Congratulations to Blisworth Community Primary School for providing shaded areas for their pupils.

Shaded Area photo submitted by Blisworth Community Primary School

“Outdoor classroom area including seating which is shaded at all times of day. There are also trees surrounding the playground”

(Charlotte Rees - Blisworth Community Primary School)

Friday 11 July 2014

Brambles Preschool is now an Official Sun Safe Nursery!

Congratulations to Brambles Preschool for obtaining their Sun Safe Nursery Status & Award

“We had lots of fun during the process, and during our summer fate next week we will celebrate our new status with parents. the children will be very excited to share their achievements ”

(Beverley Budd - Brambles Preschool)

Brambles Preschool Completes Step 2 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Shade

Congratulations to Brambles Preschool for providing shaded areas for their pupils.

Shaded Area photo submitted by Brambles Preschool

“we have several outdoor shaded areas this is the largest outdoor classroom, the children can access drinking water and sit on the logs to rest.”

(Beverley Budd - Brambles Preschool)

Brambles Preschool Completes Step 1 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Sun Hats, Sunscreen & Role Models

Congratulations to Brambles Preschool for issuing Sun Safety Fact Sheets to all their pupils. Brambles Preschool has also pledged to keep sun hats and sunscreen available for all their children and to act as role models with regard to sun safety:

“we pledge to send out all information to parents and keep a record ”

(Beverley Budd - Brambles Preschool)

“we keep appropriate spare hats and sun cream and all our staff model good sun safe practice”

(Beverley Budd - Brambles Preschool)

Thursday 10 July 2014

Ditton Early Years Centre Completes Step 1 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Sun Hats, Sunscreen & Role Models

Congratulations to Ditton Early Years Centre for issuing Sun Safety Fact Sheets to all their pupils. Ditton Early Years Centre has also pledged to keep sun hats and sunscreen available for all their children and to act as role models with regard to sun safety:

“We pledge to follow the ethos of the sun safe nurseries.”

(Katherine Stuart - Ditton Early Years Centre )

“All staff with follow and appropriately act as good role models.”

(Katherine Stuart - Ditton Early Years Centre )

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Playmates 2 Day Nursery Completes Step 1 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Sun Hats, Sunscreen & Role Models

Congratulations to Playmates 2 Day Nursery for issuing Sun Safety Fact Sheets to all their pupils. Playmates 2 Day Nursery has also pledged to keep sun hats and sunscreen available for all their children and to act as role models with regard to sun safety:

“All parents have been given a sun safety letter and fact sheet. All new starters to the setting will be provided with both documents in our welcome pack.”

( Jackie Simm - Playmates 2 Day Nursery)

“All staff will ensure that all children are provided with the appropriate sun screen and sun hats during outdoor play in hot weather. Staff will teach children the importance of sun safety. ”

( Jackie Simm - Playmates 2 Day Nursery)

Littlebugs Childcare Completes Step 2 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Shade

Congratulations to Littlebugs Childcare for providing shaded areas for their pupils.

Shaded Area photo submitted by Littlebugs Childcare

“I use a UV protected sail which works on a pulley system. I also provides protection from the rain too.”

(Nicola Watkins - Littlebugs Childcare)

Littlebugs Childcare is now an Official Sun Safe Nursery!

Congratulations to Littlebugs Childcare for obtaining their Sun Safe Nursery Status & Award

“Simple and inviting process. Thank you for the resources and accreditation!”

(Nicola Watkins - Littlebugs Childcare)

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Ton Tots Playgroup And After School Club is now an Official Sun Safe Nursery!

Congratulations to Ton Tots Playgroup And After School Club for obtaining their Sun Safe Nursery Status & Award

“very enjoyable process with the children enjoying the the song and wearing their hats to the playgroup ”

(Margaret JONES - Ton Tots Playgroup And After School Club)

Chuckleberries Pre-School Completes Step 3 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Teaching Resources & Activities

Congratulations to Chuckleberries Pre-School for reading George the Sun Safe Superstar to all their children and introducing everyone to the ‘Slip, Slap, Slop song’.Chuckleberries Pre-School have also pledged to continue to regularly use the resources provided to reinforce the sun safe message to their children.

“the children seemed engaged with the story which we accessed online, but we will order the story so that children can become involved with the pictures. the children enjoyed the song and took part repeating it and clapping along with 'slip slop slap'”

(Jo Kent - Chuckleberries Pre-School)

“After completing the three stages of sun safe nursery award, we can now ensure that children and staff have a sufficent understanding in the dangers of the sun. we will read the children the story and continue to sing the song. ”

(Jo Kent - Chuckleberries Pre-School)

Monday 7 July 2014

Jude Scott Completes Step 1 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Sun Hats, Sunscreen & Role Models

Congratulations to Jude Scott for issuing Sun Safety Fact Sheets to all their pupils. Jude Scott has also pledged to keep sun hats and sunscreen available for all their children and to act as role models with regard to sun safety:

“Kids Planet day Nursery follows a rigid policy around sun safety. Letters and posters have gone out, staff and families are fully aware of our policy”

(Jude Scott - Jude Scott)

“We have spare hats and sun cream on site. All staff follow the policy too and are good role models for children. the teach children via the plans”

(Jude Scott - Jude Scott)

Morley Primary School Completes Step 3 towards becoming a Sun Safe School - Introductory Assembly Plan

Congratulations to Morley Primary School for carrying out an introductory assembly about how to keep safe in the sun:

Assembly photo submitted by Morley Primary School

“Whole school assembly given. Photo shows children with hats on at school.”

(Tony Taylor - Morley Primary School)

Jude Scott Completes Step 3 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Teaching Resources & Activities

Congratulations to Jude Scott for reading George the Sun Safe Superstar to all their children and introducing everyone to the ‘Slip, Slap, Slop song’.Jude Scott have also pledged to continue to regularly use the resources provided to reinforce the sun safe message to their children.

“The children loved the story, We provided a cape and they pretended to be him.”

(Jude Scott - Jude Scott)

“we will use all resources given as a means of teaching children sun safety”

(Jude Scott - Jude Scott)

Jude Scott is now an Official Sun Safe Nursery!

Congratulations to Jude Scott for obtaining their Sun Safe Nursery Status & Award

“Excellent idea, our parents loved the idea and information has been spread about your program and accreditation. It's all for becoming an outstanding nursery and providing quality childcare”

(Jude Scott - Jude Scott)

Friday 4 July 2014

Beau Belles is now an Official Sun Safe Nursery!

Congratulations to Beau Belles for obtaining their Sun Safe Nursery Status & Award

“Great activity”

(Hermione Bishop - Beau Belles)

Morley Primary School Completes Step 2 towards becoming a Sun Safe School - Shade

Congratulations to Morley Primary School for providing shaded areas for their pupils.

Shaded Area photo submitted by Morley Primary School

“Purchased additional shade sails for the playground and we also have fixed wooden structures to provide shade.”

(Tony Taylor - Morley Primary School)

Parkfield Children's Centre Completes Step 2 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Shade

Congratulations to Parkfield Children's Centre for providing shaded areas for their pupils.

Shaded Area photo submitted by Parkfield Children's Centre

“In addition to shady areas provided by trees, we hang silks across ropes to create cosy areas. We are very fortunate to have an out door shelter/canopy which allows for all year round access to outdoor provision”

(Leanne White - Parkfield Children's Centre)

Cropwell Bishop Preschool Playgroup Completes Step 3 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Teaching Resources & Activities

Congratulations to Cropwell Bishop Preschool Playgroup for reading George the Sun Safe Superstar to all their children and introducing everyone to the ‘Slip, Slap, Slop song’.Cropwell Bishop Preschool Playgroup have also pledged to continue to regularly use the resources provided to reinforce the sun safe message to their children.

“Children are now aware of George and his slip slop song and the children are now aware of the need for sun hats & sun cream.”

(Kathy Alvey - Cropwell Bishop Preschool Playgroup)

“Cropwell Bishop Playgroup pledge to use the resources to reinforce the sun safe message to our children.”

(Kathy Alvey - Cropwell Bishop Preschool Playgroup)

Harpole Day Nursery Completes Step 2 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Shade

Congratulations to Harpole Day Nursery for providing shaded areas for their pupils.

Shaded Area photo submitted by Harpole Day Nursery

“We have three main shaded area. One is a 'secret garden' down the side of the building, one is a temporary gazebo for the babies, one one (pictured) is a 6m diametre permanent umbrella spanning the playground. I don't have a photo of it 'up' as it was taken earlier in the year, but it is up constantly now.”

(Sharon Peach - Harpole Day Nursery)

Harpole Day Nursery Completes Step 1 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Sun Hats, Sunscreen & Role Models

Congratulations to Harpole Day Nursery for issuing Sun Safety Fact Sheets to all their pupils. Harpole Day Nursery has also pledged to keep sun hats and sunscreen available for all their children and to act as role models with regard to sun safety:

“The replies to the letter will be kept on file and we pledge that the letter will be kept on record and supplied to all newcomers.”

(Sharon Peach - Harpole Day Nursery)

“All nursery staff will act as appropriate role models with regard to sun safety. ”

(Sharon Peach - Harpole Day Nursery)

Cropwell Bishop Preschool Playgroup is now an Official Sun Safe Nursery!

Congratulations to Cropwell Bishop Preschool Playgroup for obtaining their Sun Safe Nursery Status & Award

“A good, easy to follow procedure for us to become sun safe.”

(Kathy Alvey - Cropwell Bishop Preschool Playgroup)

Parkfield Children's Centre is now an Official Sun Safe Nursery!

Congratulations to Parkfield Children's Centre for obtaining their Sun Safe Nursery Status & Award

“I have found the process and resources really helpful in making sun safety a purposeful learning opportunity rather than just a H&S tickbox/checklist administrative chore. Thank you, please let me know how i can upload more pictures.”

(Leanne White - Parkfield Children's Centre)

Parkfield Children's Centre Completes Step 3 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Teaching Resources & Activities

Congratulations to Parkfield Children's Centre for reading George the Sun Safe Superstar to all their children and introducing everyone to the ‘Slip, Slap, Slop song’.Parkfield Children's Centre have also pledged to continue to regularly use the resources provided to reinforce the sun safe message to their children.

“Sitting under our shady silks with our Nursery sunhats, listening to our teacher read George the Sun Safe Superstar. We have some pictures to send in.”

(Leanne White - Parkfield Children's Centre)

“On seasonal planning calander, Promoted routienly during June Safety Week. Laminated copies of George the Sun Safe Superstar in the children's book corner and use of children,s work on sun safe displays around the setting”

(Leanne White - Parkfield Children's Centre)

Thursday 3 July 2014

Hemdean House School is now an Official Sun Safe School!

Congratulations to Hemdean House School for obtaining their Sun Safe School Status & Award

“We will put an article in our School magazine the "Hemdean Times" and also on the news feed on our website. I will also forward photos to our press officer and ask her to contact the local papers.

We have made the process into fun and enjoyable set of lessons for the children and all classes have enjoyed the different activities. The message has clearly been taken on board by children and parents alike as the children come to school with sun cream on or have it available in their classroom. They are also far better at putting on their sun hats for break times.

The children constantly remind each other and staff of the important things to remember when playing in the sun and a number of parents have commented on the importance of spreading this message and the worthwhile nature of the initiative.

(Helen Illingworth - Hemdean House School)

Cropwell Bishop Preschool Playgroup Completes Step 2 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Shade

Congratulations to Cropwell Bishop Preschool Playgroup for providing shaded areas for their pupils.

Shaded Area photo submitted by Cropwell Bishop Preschool Playgroup

“we have a large sun canopy which stays out during the spring /summer. we also have large umbrellas. large pieces of material provide shade when den making.”

(Kathy Alvey - Cropwell Bishop Preschool Playgroup)

Meadows Stepping Stones Ltd Completes Step 2 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Shade

Congratulations to Meadows Stepping Stones Ltd for providing shaded areas for their pupils.

Shaded Area photo submitted by Meadows Stepping Stones Ltd

“Meadows Stepping Stones rent the nursery form the main school. Their is small canopy across the building to allow children to play outside all weathers, plus the school have planted two tree which give the children shade to play in, plus we purchased a wooden train with a wooden roof, and we put up pop up tents for children to play in. and their is a small climbing frame which staff add blankets around to provide shade. ”

(Olwen Field - Meadows Stepping Stones Ltd)

Parkfield Children's Centre Completes Step 1 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Sun Hats, Sunscreen & Role Models

Congratulations to Parkfield Children's Centre for issuing Sun Safety Fact Sheets to all their pupils. Parkfield Children's Centre has also pledged to keep sun hats and sunscreen available for all their children and to act as role models with regard to sun safety:

“Letters and afct sheet sent home in book bags, as well as displayed in reception and on parents/carers board. Returned silps filed in childrens data files”

(Leanne White - Parkfield Children's Centre)

“Hats and sun cream supplied, hats and sunscreen added to daily room risk assessments.”

(Leanne White - Parkfield Children's Centre)

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Palace Fields Day Care Centre Completes Step 3 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Teaching Resources & Activities

Congratulations to Palace Fields Day Care Centre for reading George the Sun Safe Superstar to all their children and introducing everyone to the ‘Slip, Slap, Slop song’.Palace Fields Day Care Centre have also pledged to continue to regularly use the resources provided to reinforce the sun safe message to their children.

“The children join in with the song as we apply their sunscreen. Both the song and the story help make it a fun learning experience and teaches them the importance of sun safety.”

(Alison Walker - Palace Fields Day Care Centre)

“The resources provided by Sun Safe will be used regularly with the children.”

(Alison Walker - Palace Fields Day Care Centre)

Rawlins Academy Nursery Completes Step 2 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Shade

Congratulations to Rawlins Academy Nursery for pledging to explore options regarding providing shaded areas for children during breaks outside.

“we have received a number of quotes for a permanent canopy structure for the new academic year, however on a temporary basis the nursery is using free standing gazeboes. ”

(Janette Peden - Rawlins Academy Nursery)

Rawlins Academy Nursery Completes Step 1 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Sun Hats, Sunscreen & Role Models

Congratulations to Rawlins Academy Nursery for issuing Sun Safety Fact Sheets to all their pupils. Rawlins Academy Nursery has also pledged to keep sun hats and sunscreen available for all their children and to act as role models with regard to sun safety:

“Rawlins Academy Day Nursery has changed it registration procedures to ensure that all new nursery families receive the sun safety letter and factsheet as part of our registration process”

(Janette Peden - Rawlins Academy Nursery)

“Rawlins Academy Day Nursery staff will model appropriate behaviour in relation to sun safety, this will be regularly reviewed in staff supervision and in monthly team meetings.”

(Janette Peden - Rawlins Academy Nursery)

Rawlins Academy Nursery Completes Step 3 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Teaching Resources & Activities

Congratulations to Rawlins Academy Nursery for reading George the Sun Safe Superstar to all their children and introducing everyone to the ‘Slip, Slap, Slop song’.Rawlins Academy Nursery have also pledged to continue to regularly use the resources provided to reinforce the sun safe message to their children.

“it has been a positive experience supported by our families. activities worked well with the older children in the nursery. all enjoying song. children able to tell adults why sun safety is important. ”

(Janette Peden - Rawlins Academy Nursery)

“sun safe resources will be part of our curriculum every year.”

(Janette Peden - Rawlins Academy Nursery)

Palace Fields Day Care Centre Completes Step 2 towards becoming a Sun Safe Nursery - Shade

Congratulations to Palace Fields Day Care Centre for pledging to explore options regarding providing shaded areas for children during breaks outside.

“A sail type cover has been ordered for the outdoor area to provide a shaded area for the children.”

(Alison Walker - Palace Fields Day Care Centre)

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Morley Primary School Completes Step 4 towards becoming a Sun Safe School - Lesson Plan

Congratulations to Morley Primary School for carrying out the ‘George the Sun Safe Superstar’ Lesson Plan.

Lesson Plan photo submitted by Morley Primary School

“Interactive display to show UV levels. Display run by two sun safe superstars”

(Tony Taylor - Morley Primary School)