Congratulations to The Oaks Day Nursery & Pre-School for reading George the Sun Safe Superstar to all their children and introducing everyone to the ‘Slip, Slap, Slop song’.The Oaks Day Nursery & Pre-School have also pledged to continue to regularly use the resources provided to reinforce the sun safe message to their children.
“Here at the Oaks Day Nursery and Preschool unit the children have met George and enjoyed his sun safety journey. Since then the children have taken part in various sun safety activities such as Preschool children helping to apply their cream and the younger children putting sun hats on their dolls.”
(Rebecca Slater - The Oaks Day Nursery & Pre-School)
“The Oaks Day Nursery and Preschool unit commit to ensuring that the children are protected from the sun and that we are adhering to our sun safety policy when receiving hats and sun cream from the parents. The fact sheets and sun safety booklets are on display as well as giving them to our current parents and will be kept in our master folder ready to re-use next year along with the fun activities.”
(Rebecca Slater - The Oaks Day Nursery & Pre-School)