Skcin are pleased to announce that Hemdean House School in Reading have renewed their Sun Safe Schools Accreditation by ensuring their pupils are educated on the importance of sun safety and that a suitable sun safe environment and policy is put in place and reviewed annually.
“It is notable that the children are remembering year on year why it is safe to be in the sun and what they need to do. Parents are supportive of the initiative ensuring children have hats and sun cream and the school is selling legionnaire hats. We are looking in to ways of enhancing our shaded areas with natural planting and the pta are supporting funding for this. We are also considering the option of putting pump sun cream dispensers up in school. During forest school the children have experimented with different types of dens noting the shade they provide (see pictures) and our sunflowers have been planted. The children really enjoy these outdoor activities.
(Helen Illingworth - Hemdean House School) 16th May 2017
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