Thursday 10 May 2018

With 1 in 54 people diagnosed with melanoma during their lifetime, around 57% of which are likely to occur on the lower leg and foot and an outstanding mis-diagnosis rate of 36% - education and early detection are key to improving prognosis and saving lives.
Developed by Skcin in association with Podiatrist Jane Henderson MChS BSc(PodM),  we are delighted to announce the launch of our Melanoma Early Detection Training Seminars for podiatry and chiropody healthcare professionals.

The bespoke training has been developed to complement the charity’s hugely successful MASCED Accreditation programme for hair, health and beauty industry professionals, which has already been completed by a large number of foot health practitioners. The advanced group training seminars aim to provide healthcare professionals working within the podiatry and chiropody industry with a greater, in-depth knowledge and supportive tools with which to identify the various types of melanoma that occur on the foot and lower limb as well as the confidence and tools to refer patients to take further professional advice.

Jane Henderson, qualified podiatrist and owner of Foot Angels joined the Skcin team as an Ambassador in September 2017 promoting and supporting the charity’s work in raising awareness of the prevention and early detection of skin cancer.
“It amounts to gross negligence!” 
That was the reaction when mother and daughter Podiatrists Jane and Emma Henderson discovered their professional course dedicated just a single hour in four years to the detection of melanoma. “When 57% of melanomas appear below the knee, this is shocking.“ comments Jane, “Podiatrists, properly trained could be on the front line in spotting this devastating disease in its early stages. To ignore it is tantamount to manslaughter”.

Jane has good reason to feel so strongly about this and knows all-too-well the seriousness of melanoma. Her own daughter Esther was misdiagnosed at the age of 15. Twenty years of painful operations to combat the cancer show how hard the fight can be.

“Caught early, all this could be avoided” adds Emma, Esther’s elder sister who is keen to take her awareness of melanoma symptoms into her chosen profession.

To help do this, both Jane and Emma have teamed up with Skcin, to deliver the melanoma early detection training to an industry that’s crying out for it.

“Podiatry training as envisaged by Jane and Emma fits perfectly with our mission to combat melanoma” says Marie Tudor, who heads up the charity Skcin.
Six months in the making, their ideas, aided and realised by Skcin are now being reviewed for approval by The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, with the hope it will be awarded certification for professional CPD points in the Summer.” Marie adds.

“Jane has a wealth of experience and knowledge to bring to this much –needed arena, her families plight and resultant passion are a huge asset, not just to our charity, but to a profession and industry both Jane and Emma dedicate their life to and we are proud to support the family in their mission – one that’s completely aligned with ours”.

Jane, Emma and a team of qualified podiatrists will be delivering the training across regional sites from Summer 2018.
For further information please contact:
Jane Henderson MChS BSc(PodM) |
Or Marie Tudor |

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